Friday, 2 March 2007

First Adventure (Well actually a lie, but it's been a while)

Okay, lets go....
I'm trying to move an ageing Exchange based solution to SQL. Two reasons, 1) It's sloooow, 2) Public Folders will disappear so I better do something!!!

So I thought I'd get back in to a bit of development and try and get this stuff moved over.
Major problem being time, as ever no-one has enough. So I need to be able to develop a solution over time such that the existing public folder mechanism can be used whilst I move on to the SQL version.

Now I've tried doing this stuff in the past using the Outlook based API, but I ran in to problems because I could never trap the deletion of items. So no matter how much I thought I was synching it was real as deletions never happened.

I knew the answer laid in Exchange Event Syncs, but I never had the balls to give it a go. But over the past week or so I thought I'd give it another go.

I've read shed loads of articles on this, mainly due to the fact that I'm lost in a lot of new technologies that I've never touched.

Hopefully over the next few posts I will try and surmise what I've found out about synching a Public Folder with an SQL database. I don't think it would have been so bad if the two folders in question weren't of the 'preferred' type, i.e. one being a Task folder () the other being a Journal folder ().

So to sum up, what I'm trying to achieve is to sync a Task and Journal Public folder with an SQL database, with the view to decommissioning the Public Folders and moving to an all glorious SQL solution. But I do love Exchange so, I'm hoping to move to SQL but sync from SQL to Mailbox Calendars/Messages/Tasks in order to be able to use Outlook and Mobile devices to interact with the DB.

It's a tall task for someone whose day job is support and not development, so it will probably take a while!!

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